Sunday, October 19, 2008

A New Venture

Welcome to Barking Mad Bites!

Recently I've found myself inundated with requests to review this, taste that and let my kid play with those, too. Barking Mad! is my place to get out the stuff that clogs the hamster wheel upstairs and I didn't want it to turn into an advertisement for everything under the sun. Additionally, I teamed with Disney and BlogHer for an upcoming promotion, one which further deemed a separate review site neccesary, so here we have Barking Mad Bites! As the name states, there's likely to be a little bit of everything here; product reviews, rants, raves and some of my favourites.

If you're someone looking to have your product/service or whatever it might be, reviewed, please contact me at iambarkingmad "at" gmail. com. Please note though, only family-friendly products will be considered. In other words, don't send me any strawberry scented vibrators...they'll be forwarded straight to Paris Hilton!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you around here again!

P.S. Yeah, I know the white text on black background is tough on the eyes. I'm working on correcting that. If you happen to know the HTML that would take care of it, be a luv and help a girl out, would ya?

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